Started the project since I join the forum. It's a pending project. I haven't made any maps. But the story's inside my brain.
Overall story summary:
A man called Spike is a violent criminal that do crimes for the poors. The Bachwealth capital don't like every single bit of Spike's action, so they put Spike on the capital's wanted list. Soon, Spike has made himself the most wanted guy on earth. Spike tired of running away and escaping, so he decided to strike against the capital. But he realized that the capital wants his head not because he helps the poor, but because Spike has one of the Soul of Origins. Spike met partners-in-crime (although not all of them are criminals, but they're against the capital so they got bounties too) like Mach, Jet, Argo, Aras, Hiyoshi, Sied, Tyr, and beloved Mia, that helps Spike struggled the war. But a man called Nero, who has one of the Soul of Origins, destroyed the capital because the capital kept him (the capital wants to use the Soul of Origins' power to conquer the earth). He found the capital's archive that led him to find Spike, and every one that has the Soul of Origins. Nero's ambition to collect the Soul of Origins meets a success, and Nero got 6 souls (including his own soul). But Spike, who avenges his friends death (because Nero killed them to collect the souls), successfully stops Nero by sacrifice his life.
About the characters:
Spike (23)
A swordsmith that can plays 5 swords easily like juggling.
Role: He'll found out his black past, and finally find the importances of friendship.
The player will gain full control of Spike's attribute, whether Spike ends up being a good guy, or a bad guy.
Tyr (30)
A gunsmith that has high vision, accuracy, agility, and dexterity.
Role: He's Spike's saviour, who always saves Spike when Spike's in critical danger. He contributed a lot on Spike's development.
The player will gain some control of Tyr's movement, like the way saving Spike, that can changes Spike's game.
Mach (33)
Spike's childhood friend. They met accidentally while Spike's running away from the capital. Has super speed movement.
Role: Spike's mentor, who helped him trough the game so much. But he's actually Nero's minion, who directs Spike into Nero's hand.
He will be Spike's convoy along the game.
Jet and Argo (23)
These twins are Mach's little brothers. They helped Spike fought the capital. Has very high strength.
Role: Spike's battle ally. Jet has speciality in punching, while Argo has speciality in kicking.
They will be Spike's ally, who fought as AI.
Hiyoshi (27)
Somewhat Tyr's friend, although they never talked much. He can manipulate people's thought.
Role: He helps Tyr to find whatever information Tyr's needed. He always appears everytime Tyr needs information. They're communication's little weird.
Sied (35)
Spike's friend that has very high intelligence of sand cruisers (like sand flyers in BoF 4).
Role: He helps Spike's transportation through the deserts.
He always in his workshop. Come to find out his new works.
Aras (26)
The greatest fighter of Crimson Ocean. Uses a stick to fight.
Role: One of the Soul of Origins. Nero's hex contamined Aras' village to find Aras, but Aras escaped.
He joins Spike to fight Nero, as he sworn to avenge his tribe's death.
Sethiou (87)
The elder of Crimson Ocean. He's the one who reads the prophecy of the Soul of Origins.
Role: He knows all about Soul of Origins.
He died because the disease that Nero's hex spreads.
Schwarzram (61)
King of Bachwealth. He knows the truth of the Soul of Origins' rumours.
Role: He tried to take control all of the Soul of Origins to conquer the earth.
Nero killed him after Nero busted out of the Bachwealth's dungeon.
Mia (22)
Nero's minion. Nero promises Mia to resseruct Mia's father if Mia joins the D/L Army.
Role: The strongest D/L Army after Nero. He fought Spike, but Spike opened her eyes, so she joins Spike's side.
Mia will fight Spike, but at the last chapters, he fight with Spike.
What Happened with AC Milan this season 2023
There could be several reasons why AC Milan has not been performing well
recently, including:
Financial difficulties: The club has faced financial issues ...
2 years ago
Yeah well seems no one joins you but count me in, I have avarage skills in mapping, building events and i can do a LITTLE spriting
wow, i need spriters indeed, so welcome! but you currently have nothing to do. and... oh yeah, please comment on the cbox (on the right)
Hey it's me aero003 from rpgmakervx forums. i'll help with the game i make great character sprites and i do some mapping sprites. but remember i do have my own game but i will try to devote all my possible time to help you if you want my help. and it would be awesome if you could help me to.
whew long comment
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